1 Ne 16:34 Ishmael¡¦was buried in the place which was called Nahom

¡°A group of Latter-day Saint researchers recently found evidence linking a site in Yemen, on the south-west corner of the Arabian peninsula, to a name associated with Lehi¡¯s journey as recorded in the Book of Mormon. Warren Aston, Lynn Hilton, and Gregory Witt located a stone altar that professional archaeologists dated to at least 700 B.C. This altar contains an inscription confirming ¡®Nahom¡¯ as an actual place that existed in the peninsula before the time of Lehi. The Book of Mormon mentions that ¡®Ishmael died, and was buried in the place which was called Nahom¡¯ (1 Ne. 16:34).

¡°This is the first archaeological find that supports a Book of Mormon place-name other than Jerusalem or the Red Sea¡¦¡± (Ensign, Feb. 2001, p. 79)